Other Western countries adopted a more ambivalent position.
Classical music, having carefully developed a two-centuries-old cult of the past, now finds itself in an ambivalent position.
The Labour Party may also feel pressure to clarify its at times ambivalent position on welfare reform.
Her plight was compounded by Cilicia's unenviably ambivalent position in that part of the world.
Watching this, of course, puts us in a morally ambivalent position: our neighbors' troubles have been turned into theatre.
The Iraqi maneuver has left smaller groups in the border war in ambivalent positions.
Telling of Laurel's ambivalent and precarious position is the following anecdote.
There is not a single political party which has an ambiguous or ambivalent position on it.
Everyone knew of Mike's ambivalent position on the Rite.
He was putting himself in a very ambivalent position.