It was pitch dark too, but in the ambulance lights she could just see the beginning of steps leading upwards.
About 50 people a night come through the emergency room, and all is quiet until the ambulance lights turn the room blue.
What looked like a score of rotating ambulance lights illuminated the efforts of police officers and firemen to extricate whatever fool had been driving the small import.
To children, the flashing of ambulance lights, the cable news crawl, even the histrionics of soap opera vixens - these all raise a lot of questions.
The moon, temporarily eclipsed by the ambulance lights, reasserted its dominion.
Outside, through the constantly swinging doors, he could see the red flash of ambulance lights, and the clatter and shuffle of trolleys.
People who were dancing moments before are on their knees in the streets; their skin is red in the glow of ambulance lights as they press their hands to their faces and cry.
Beneath the time-code a crowd jostled the cordons, trying to get a better glimpse of the little terraced house: blue ambulance lights flashed silently across their faces.
Holding the arm of her chauffeur, the film actress Elizabeth Taylor, with whom Vaughan had dreamed of dying for so many months, stood alone under the revolving ambulance lights.
The red ambulance lights were close behind.