You get this big pileup on Lex, and two ambulances respond.
When the calls come in to 911, the Fire Department decides which ambulance will respond, depending on the location and nature of the emergency.
So there was some loss of time, because that ambulance was shown as listed and did not respond.
It was extraordinary that an ambulance could respond to an accident call with such speed.
A pilot had complained of chest pains, and an ambulance had responded.
Under the new system, ambulances responded to about 1,000 Segment 1 calls in January.
However, ambulances operated by the fire department (dial 119) will respond very quickly and take patients to the nearest hospital.
Two ambulances responded, but the snow kept each two blocks from the house.
But when an ambulance responded to the rabbi's emergency call, there wasn't a speck of blood on his hands, face or clothes.
An operator told Mr. Silver that an ambulance would respond shortly.