It employed three officers and had two ambulance vehicles.
When called, ambulance vehicles are often slow to arrive and personnel generally have only a basic level of training.
The last four were ambulance vehicles and a jeep.
A number of ambulance vehicles attend the event, since there is invariably at least one, and often several injuries requiring hospital treatment.
Under night time conditions, green is among the most visible (exceeded only by blue) of colours, creating high visibility (and safety) for ambulance vehicles.
There are versions as media workshop, ambulance vehicle, command vehicle.
Visit the ambulance control and see the ambulance vehicles.
It responds to medical emergencies in Northern Ireland with the 300 plus ambulance vehicles at its disposal.
Some stations are equipped with a fuel pump to refuel ambulance vehicles and vehicle workshops.
The city of Zibo sent out 130 ambulance vehicles to the site of the accident and activated 34 medical stations.