Of amiable and simple character, he was lacking in self-reliance.
On a nearer view, Major Stuart proved himself a man of most amiable character.
An amiable character, England's No 1 works hard at his craft, and is hugely competitive, yet little seems to faze him.
I am playful; playfulness is a part of my amiable character.
Gordian had deserved his high reputation by his amiable character.
That began the same way, just a weak amiable character who wanted a great deal of money.
His amiable character and the attention he paid to public business soon made him a popular figure.
It doesn't make me out an amiable character, I'm afraid," she added, "but I can't endure living with other people.
He was not an amiable character, and Link took an instant dislike to him.
There are some people who could turn even the most amiable character into a bully and the priest seemed to be one of them.