He became known for his entertaining but always amiable conversation, and for the encouragement he gave to young players.
But she could listen to the amiable, often hilarious, and sometimes brutally frank, conversations other peers.
He was enjoying this young woman's amiable and literate conversation as he'd enjoyed nothing else in months.
But today, there were more smiles than tears and much amiable conversation.
Such an amiable conversation, he thought, if only he ignored the blood on Ishigami's kimono.
He untensed himself and began to make amiable conversation about the storm.
Its fronds touched hers in apparently amiable conversation.
When we finished eating, he engaged us in amiable conversation, but would not allow any talk of the trouble that had brought us to him.
I joined the conversation, amiable, hoping someone would admire my control.
He hadn't found the last conversation quite as amiable as Mannheim apparently had.