I have gotten to be fairly well known as an amiable guy.
You take a walk, get a shoe shine from a very amiable old guy who's the only street person in my experience who refuses a tip.
"Maybe no one'll notice now when it blows up," said Glenn Shea, the otherwise amiable guy behind the counter at the Book Barn.
"He's an extremely amiable guy," Ms. Schaefer said.
"Jim is a nice, amiable guy," he said.
How sad, he reflected that two such amiable ostensibly bright guys could cherish such batty notions.
I have little to no respect left for Obama, although he seems an amiable enough guy and probably the only politician left in Washington who hasn't cheated on his wife.
"You're such an amiable guy," the visitor said.
Morris is a decent, amiable guy, one of the best on the circuit, and he bit his tongue when many others in his position would have made a public scene of it.
Posing as an amiable guy rather than a partisan politician has great advantages in democratic power politics.