Between his numbness and the distraction of Benny's amiable personality, he could forget himself for hours at a time.
Character: Rene has an amiable personality and is great at making conversation.
His nonsensical nickname "Jephtha" seemed to capture his roots and amiable personality.
His amiable personality changed their unfavorable impressions.
An amiable personality and courteous, self-effacing manner endeared him to people from all walks of life.
In contrast, Sweeney had a reassuring demeanor, an amiable personality and many friends on the executive council.
Njenga's amiable personality was always curious and deep.
Most of all, he is an entertainer, with an amiable personality and a telegenic presence.
He is a regular among many fitness/training facilities in the Cleveland area and has a strong following due to his amiable and generous personality.
His amiable personality helped immeasurably in this task.