That is because he works seven days a week amid boxes of odd-brand cereals ("Forelli's Frosty Corn Flakes"?)
In the piece, dancers moved slowly amid large boxes under a turning mobile.
Standing amid painted wooden boxes and tapestry table runners, he added, "It really boils down to the fact that here people have homes instead of apartments."
Sitting amid half-packed boxes in his second-floor office in City Hall, Mr. Rice gave every indication that he was ready to pick up the fight.
The ship's lantern crashed the wall, splattering its kerosene amid boxes stuffed with excelsior, which immediately started to gobble the flame.
No one had attended to that detail, so amid packed boxes, the firm was forced to postpone its move for a week.
In the piece dancers moved slowly amid boxes and a large turning mobile, seeming at times to float.
Long-forgotten drawings, toys, and padds from Kathryn's childhood were strewn about amid half-packed boxes and plastic storage bins.
Quickly she located the canisters of whitespice amid boxes and barrels of taze, nuts, dried fruit, and other pungent seasonings that made her eyes water.
Her hair spilled to one side when she kneeled amid boxes of old records and paperbacks.