The mark has risen sharply in recent weeks amid rapid political and economic changes in East Germany.
Even stranger was that the Comanches' stunning success was happening amid phenomenal technological and social changes in the west.
Mr. Barrett, who assumes his duties Jan. 1, comes to the position amid sweeping changes in the structure of the international tire business.
Champlain, who championed the colonization efforts, worked tirelessly to make sure the French colonies survived amid political and corporate changes of power.
Matter is the substrate from which physical existence is derived, remaining more or less constant amid changes.
Empire's role in the insurance market has shifted significantly in recent years amid legislative changes and a changing marketplace.
The accord was reached just as principals are facing critical decisions about how to proceed amid seismic changes to the school system's administration.
The presidency of the Univision network has been vacant since February amid changes in ownership.
The mark has been on the rise for several weeks amid rapid changes in Eastern Europe.
The current Lincoln, a child of the city's first fiscal crisis in the mid-1970's, has grown up amid devastating changes in America's urban pathology.