He happens to be a minister and found himself amid considerable grief telling his young family that their dog had gone for a walk with Jesus.
Amid terror and grief, he felt a shaft of relief like a bright spear of sunlight.
Not the Way He Dreamed Tonight's meeting was the second time in 25 months that Assembly Democrats met amid grief and distress to elect a new speaker.
The hands-on tableau of the president and more than 400 family members was the plainest display of what the anniversary was about: tangible contact among Americans in behalf of survival and resolution amid continuing grief.
Some of those who were in Las Vegas left after the World Trade Center fell, saying they could not imagine rejoicing over a jackpot amid the national shock and grief.
Anger at Drug Gangs Amid their tears, grief and anger today, residents expressed outrage over teen-age drug gangs who they say have turned the neighborhood into a battleground.
Amid grief and anger, train service was canceled and airline schedules were curtailed.
That unity, that clinging together was the only joy to be found, but it was, in its way, a profound joy, amid profound grief.
Fool's paradise Amid the uprising, personal grief and physical pain, it seems Henry had a routine prescription for the psychological pressure of tyranny.
Amid the shock and grief, Levitt had an undergraduate class that needed teaching.