People pay $150,000 for the privilege of living here now, amid throw-rug lawns and plastic geese.
The rooms are in small Madeiran-style two- and three-story houses, with red tile roofs and green shutters, set amid lawns and gardens.
Residents have been pouring money into private security forces and fast-response crisis centers to protect themselves amid luxury lawns and backyard swimming pools.
It was located on the southern side of town, amid green lawns and rolling hills.
Even in the 1950's, our old brown-shingled corner house set on half an acre of land was an oddity amid the neighborhood's row housing and tidy lawns.
It sits amid wide lawns and giant cedar trees high above the eastern banks of the wide and winding River Dart.
Here was a woman who had grown up amid tended lawns and new cars, yet she rejected materialism.
For 60 years Glyndebourne has been a gem of the musical world: superbly produced opera performed in a country house amid English lawns and gardens.
The generality of city folk were not allowed to disturb the calm quiet of those lanes set amid lawns and gardens and magnificent buildings.
He left behind a tiny apartment for a house with green shutters set amid maple trees and sweeping lawns.