When the police arrived at the house on Friday, according to their report, they found the baby sitters working amid piles of dirty dishes and clothes.
Bits of bone and crystal glittered amid piles of ashen dust.
Amid the plastic sheeting and stray piles, an art show had been superimposed on the construction site.
His brothers played a traditional card game in the next room, amid piles of 10,000 won bills, worth about $14 each.
A variety of so-called "antique" shops sell the odd interesting relic amid piles of dusty junk.
Amid the sluggish lines and piles of paper, a shy 23-year-old immigrant from the Dominican Republic seemed bewildered.
Take your place amid piles of cushions and finish with a refreshing mint tea.
They cavort amid piles of oversized pennies.
They came to the base of the seventh flight, but the way was barred by large blocks of broken stone amid piles of rubble.
Amid piles of charred litter, a line of about 50 people waited at a check-cashing store, one of the few business operating.