Mr. Raisfeld, 57, has been president since 1988 when his co-founder, Robert Shulman, was forced out amid revelations of corruption and fraud in the generic drug industry.
The parish was engulfed in a new scandal last week involving its pastor's resignation amid revelations that he had sexual relationships with women.
Fears for staff pensions amid revelations of back hole in busmaker's fund.
The firm worked for Roslyn from 1996 until it was fired in May 2004 amid revelations that as much as $12 million had been stolen over the years.
Her presidency comes amid recent revelations questioning Switzerland's cherished myths about its neutrality during World War II.
The changes come amid revelations that the city's Transportation Department failed to act after being told that contractors used faulty concrete and violated safety rules on three major projects.
One district council leader has pleaded guilty to embezzlement, and another has been expelled amid revelations that he stole more than $1.7 million.
Enron collapsed in December 2001 amid revelations about its use of a series of off-the-books partnerships to misrepresent its financial performance and illegally enrich some executives.
However, he resigned as chief rabbi in April 2013 before his term had ended, amid revelations of plagiarism and deception about his academic credentials.
Over the last two decades, amid recurrent economic crises and revelations of party corruption, opposition strength has grown.