The results were released amidst allegations of fraud.
The uplift came amidst allegations that the younger children were now subject to abuse from older siblings.
When the W children were removed amidst allegations of sibling abuse, there were those in the community who did not dispute this.
Leadership Dynamics folded amidst lawsuits and allegations of physical and sexual abuse.
Almost from the start, Bucaram's administration languished amidst widespread allegations of corruption.
Harry was forced to resign from 3M amidst allegations of improper campaign contributions during the Nixon years.
The deal has however, been scrapped amidst allegations of corruption during the bidding process.
Following the Colne fiasco he quit football amidst allegations of death threats and that the money had run out.
He was defeated amidst widespread allegations of election fraud.
Cain's polling numbers declined in November 2011 amidst allegations of past sexual misconduct with female employees.