The move came after a series of recalls between 2009 and 2011 in which it pulled back around 10 million recalls amidst claims of faulty mechanics.
The voter turnout was 80 percent by most estimates, amidst claims of irregularities.
Although construction was initially opposed by abutters, amidst claims of potential property devaluation, it was eventually approved by the town board in 1993.
It also mentions Nerval having a pet lobster, as above, amidst other fantastic claims.
Tomás won the election, but only amidst claims of widespread electoral fraud that denied Delgado of his 'legitimate' victory.
The presidential election involved 11 candidates, although incumbent President Joseph Kabila winning again amidst claims of vote-rigging and intimidation.
The two sides were embroiled in the Polish-Ukrainian War, amidst competing territorial claims.
Three protesters were killed during the strike amidst widespread claims of police brutality.
The York North nomination fight turned ugly amidst claims of delegate stacking and improper procedures.
She was evicted amidst claims that she was "fake", which led to great controversy.