The revelation, open knowledge in political and media circles for some time, comes amidst mounting criticism of his leadership.
However, amidst ongoing criticism about the remarks, Lister resigned her office one week early, on November 15, 1997.
He stopped the contest at 2:19 in the first round to give Bowe the victory amidst general criticism, a decision the former referee continues to defends.
Amidst severe criticism, they built the Israeli West Bank barrier.
His signature project was the construction of Denver Municipal Airport, which began in 1929 amidst heavy criticism.
Amidst these perilous economic circumstances and skeptical criticism from industry experts, Heller appeared supremely confident, almost ebullient.
Brandt retired as party chairman amidst much criticism, to be succeeded by Vogel who, of course, had already failed in one bid to become Chancellor.
Amidst controversies and negative criticism, Rajinikanth kept himself away from acting.
North Korea resumed public executions in October 2007 after they had declined in the years following 2000 amidst international criticism.
Weiss announced amidst criticism that the term "Rabba" would not be used anymore for his future students.