March 28 - Francesco Capicchiano is killed by two gunmen, amidst fears of a gang war.
Amidst fears of a Hillsborough-like incident, fans attempted to climb over the metal fencing surrounding the away section.
The report came amidst fears Gaddafi could use chemical weapons to retaliate for his son's reported death.
Though the fighting was over, the men still wore life jackets for the first three days at sea amidst fears of striking floating mines.
The ship was beached following serious structural failure, amidst fears she would not reach nearby Portland Harbour.
On Friday, October 24, stock markets plummeted worldwide amidst growing fears among investors that a deep global recession is imminent if not already settled in.
Suddenly, the temple is plunged into darkness and there is general consternation amidst fears of its imminent collapse.
Walton sent his family to live with his in-laws in Mississippi, amidst fears of Union occupation during Reconstruction.
His ministers denied him the access to the state treasury amidst fears that he would empty it.
An infrastructure for detection was constructed quickly, amidst fears of the Russia's nuclear ambitions.