The rest die from smallpox, pneumonia and typhus, among other diseases.
In other cases, syndemic interaction among diseases is apparent but the pathways of linkage are not yet clear.
If this is so, then it is unique among sexually transmitted diseases as a respecter of social class.
Troops in "high risk occupational groups" are inoculated against rabies and the plague, among other diseases.
Monkeys can transmit rabies and herpes B, among other diseases, to human victims.
Mastitis, among other diseases, may be responsible for the fact that levels of white blood cells in milk vary naturally.
Both forms of cancer were among more than two dozen illnesses and diseases that the jury decided last year were caused by cigarettes.
In 2007, Diarrheal Disease was the third leading cause of death in developing countries among infectious diseases.
It is a disease which represents a serious danger to people and is the second greatest cause of death among infectious diseases worldwide.
That makes it the leading killer among infectious diseases, the World Health Organization has said.