Among other moves, we're arranging a few defections.
Parcells is not perfect; witness his signing of Eric Green and drafting of Scott Frost, among other moves.
Sony Entertainment built a promotional website, released three trailers and launched a viral marketing campaign, among other moves.
Among other moves, he sought to attract newsmakers.
Among other moves, the family once had a Tyco affiliate pour $10 million into a money-losing underwear company that Benson Selzer indirectly owned.
The merger is among several cost-cutting moves being made as Interpublic grapples with financial and operational problems.
In his shareholder letter yesterday, Mr. Lampert scoffed at "so-called experts" who have criticized the company's spending cuts, among other moves.
On beam, among other moves, she performs a trick in the piked position that - to use gymnastic's vernacular - nobody else in the sport is "throwing."
Among other moves, they cooperated with two Fortune magazine articles (which I wrote) and a segment on "CBS Sunday Morning."
Among other moves, responsibility for the medical system is being shifted from the Navy Medical Command to fleet commanders.