Among his victories over North Africa are 10 Allied bombers.
Among his outstanding victories were Montgomery County in 1992 and 1993, the world's largest terrier events.
Strange has no major-tournament triumphs among his 14 pro victories.
Patterson (5-2) had won four times in extra innings this season and 12 times among his 17 major-league victories.
Among his victories over the Western front are at least 2 four-engine bombers.
Among his following victories, he won three times on 30 June 1918.
Among the group's other victories was the defeat of an $8.8 billion road and transportation plan in Orange County in 2003.
The 1986 Sugar Bowl has been ranked among the team's ten greatest victories of all time.
Among his 11 victories for the month of May were 5 on 19 May.
In total Fields has 26 first round knockouts among his 49 professional victories.