Hagbut was not a popular man among large segments of the Imperial military establishment.
But legislation has always bogged down in turf battles among various segments of the financial services industry.
Moreover, it would arouse dissatisfaction toward us among the national bourgeoisie and other segments of the people.
Nevertheless, important differences emerged among various segments of the population: men were more sympathetic than women to prisoner release.
Although the party's leadership has been forced into exile, there is still strong sympathy for the fundamentalists among large segments of the public.
The program is said to help reduce the recidivism rate among certain segments of the prison population.
All these figures, however, ignore variations in income source among different segments of the nonprofit sector.
Among other segments of the island's population, traditional education predominated through the early 20th century.
The commission's survey found differing drug use among various segments of the homeless population.
"There is a very strong feeling among various segments of the population in both countries regarding the desire for normalization," he said.