Figure 1aand 1bshow that striking differences were observed among strains with regard to the ability to form biofilms.
Mating among different strains of the fungus occurs shortly after leaf fall with spores developing in the fallen leaves during the winter.
Changes in host range have occurred frequently and independently among strains within this species complex.
Genetic diversity among unencapsulated strains is greater than within the encapsulated group.
Relationships among different strains of T7 and among T7-related bacteriophages.
In mice, large differences in learning ability exist among different inbred strains.
However, for a few strains the sexual stage is known, but not among strains that have usually been considered for biocontrol purposes.
As may be seen in Tables 2 and 3, we observed a hierarchy of substrate utilization losses among strains.
Comparisons between genders among strains were performed using Student's t -test for unpaired observations.