But Corning's anti-discrimination efforts have fostered something of a backlash among the 3,000 white, male managers, professionals and technicians.
Among professionals and technicians, women accounted for only 14.6% in 1963, yet in 1989 more than 37 percent were women.
This year hundreds or more Internet reporters will be among the 15,000 reporters, technicians and support staff accredited for each convention.
The name "Magic Smoke" is a running in-joke that started among electrical engineers and technicians.
But among the reporters, editors and technicians, all of whom were inherited from the previous management and retained, there appeared to be considerable enthusiasm.
He told Tom he had made many good friends among the engineers and technicians on the Venus project.
Crumpled pieces of paper and mock insults were periodically hurled among technicians who have worked together for years.
Some of the fastest job growth in America is occurring among technicians, who defy the categories of the old economy.
He steps down from the bleachers and drifts among the writers and technicians.
The loss was disproportionately great among professionals - engineers, technicians, physicians, teachers, lawyers and skilled workers.