"Achieving an appropriate balance among territories is an important factor in maintaining satisfaction among customers, salespeople, and the company as a whole."
Among previously occupied territories the Channel Islands are the odd one out.
The resulting collage drawings jump nimbly among centuries and territories, merrily making free with historical truth.
Females moving widely among breeding territories seeking males to court.
On the state level, Iowa ranks 42d among 56 states and territories in arts dollars spent per capita.
With over 1.6 million people, the state comprises less than 8% of the Australian population and ranks fifth in population among the states and territories.
Connecticut ranked 11th in eighth-grade performance among the 44 states and territories that participated in the 1992 test.
It is as well, illegal for a person under 18 to purchase cigarettes The smoking age varies among states and territories but 18 to purchase.
In terms of total National Guard members, Nevada now ranks 45th among the states and territories, up from 47th in 2004.
Conflicts over slavery exacerbated border tensions among the states and territories.