Either or both could be among the most successful titles in video history.
Don Carter won this event among his two titles on the season.
Last week, the book appeared among the top 20 titles on the Amazon.com best-seller list.
But also among the season's new titles are a fish tale with global reach, and the story of one woman's search for faith.
Say you have published a book and reasonably suppose it is among the three million titles offered by Amazon.com.
In the long view, among best titles for the story, it all seems to relate to the dynamics of inquiry.
In volume terms, these dramas among the serious titles were relatively small compared to the rest of the market.
The game is among Infocom's most respected titles, although it was not a commercial success.
It also ranked among the 10 best-selling titles from university presses.
But the memory of these Yankees will not quickly fade, blurred among the other titles.