Amongst his most famous works are books on the architecture of Renaissance and Gothic.
Though the music can certainly be classified amongst his other ambient works, most of the compositions have a certain "dark" feel to them.
The eight Vienna string quartets (1801-5) are amongst his most important works.
However, the title-track, the mysterious "Alice", scored some success in several popular music shows and is still included amongst his best works today.
It is amongst Paterson's most popular works.
Cannon himself rates this piece amongst his greatest works.
Amongst Rüstow's works, which covered nearly every branch of the military art, a large number must be mentioned.
I can worship the good God amongst his own works, the woods and the fields, better than in yon pile of stone and wood.
It is still considered amongst Speer's most important works.
Lie considered it amongst his best works.