The University of Queensland ranks amongst the top 100 universities in several global rankings.
It is already reputed amongst the universities in Nigeria as one of very high moral and academic standards.
Monash consistently ranks amongst the top universities in Australia and the world.
According to a report from the University of Leiden, it is ranked amongst the top 500 universities in the world.
Today it is amongst the largest multidisciplinary universities of India and offers some of the widest number of academic disciplines for study.
By some accounts, Taxilla was considered to be amongst the earliest universities in the world.
The univsersity often ranks amongst the best universities in Australia and Oceania.
Many domestic rankings place Peking University amongst the top universities in China.
Most national and international university rankings place Tsinghua amongst the best universities in mainland China.
Oxford University is amongst the universities planning on charging the maximum £9000 tuition fee.