The amount of water carried in a human body can affect weight.
"With its size and amount of electromagnetic field carried away from the Sun, dissipation will be negligible, at best."
The total amount of cargo carried over this period had been merely 340 tons.
Arrivals were asked 29 questions including name, occupation, and the amount of money carried.
His title still represents the smallest amount of yards carried to ever win this title.
Wind breaks reduce the amount of heat carried away from a building.
Note that the figure that becomes final with the return is the loss for the accounting period, not the total amount of losses carried forward.
The amount of cargo carried fell 8.5 percent in the same period.
There are some credit cards and the usual amount of cash someone from out of town might carry when coming into the city.
Those rules, he said, increase the amount of pollution carried into the state on the wind from coal-fired power plants to the west.