A much more credible threat is from the vast amounts of malware - viruses, trojans and worms - already circulating on the web in their billions.
Small amounts of these coins also circulate at par in the United States.
Missing the needed stimulation in this critical period, they fail to grow normally, even when adequate amounts of growth hormone and insulin circulate in their tissues.
A relatively small amount (3-4 mg) circulates through the plasma, bound to transferrin.
The pressure within the pericardium prevents the heart from expanding fully and filling the ventricles, with the result that a significantly reduced amount of blood circulates within the body.
But massive amounts of rubles still circulate in Ukraine, and Russia worries about them.
Minuscule amounts of them circulate in blood.
A studied showed that while a large amount of online traffic may circulate about a program it does not necessarily mean that a large audience is physically watching.
Jitter can be reduced by not reducing the Q by as much, so that a small amount of light can still circulate in the cavity.
Large amounts of counterfeit US dollars 'made in Cali' circulate on the market.