The amount of speed with which a rock is delivered; more weight corresponds to a harder throw.
If the dates, and the amounts correspond, there can be no doubt regarding your guilt.
That amount, regulators said, corresponded with a large purchase made on April 17.
The amount of steel corresponds to 15 Eiffel towers.
When workers did win in court, judgments against employers were frequently substantial, though the amounts didn't correspond to a defined scale or system.
Also, they judge whether the amount of recyclable material placed outside for collection corresponds to building size.
The amount of activity measured in the chromosphere corresponds to a star with a rotation period of about 10 days.
The amount shown corresponded to the price of a fifth such as stood on the table.
The amount of extract in each lane corresponds to that produced from 3ml of induced bacterial culture.
This amount corresponds to some 37% of what the EU as a whole has contributed.