The amount that has piled up in New York's coffers dwarfs that of neighboring states.
Also the amount of time managing my recording schedule dwarfs the amount of time it now takes me to find something for streaming on netflix/hulu etc.
It is understood the 2010 amount will dwarf the previous year's effort, given BP's attempts to bolster its brand image.
Although New York is not at the top in rates, the sheer amount of its vacant space dwarfs that of other cities.
The amount dwarfs comparable figures in the United States and by all accounts leads to rampant favoritism in Japan.
She concluded the massive amount of money in the indexes following the oil futures market dwarfed the actual oil futures market, by around 5 to 1.
It is a high flier: The amount of money riding on stock futures contracts now dwarfs the amount in the New York Stock Exchange.
The amount of money he saves the company will dwarf whatever his services cost, Mr. Breeden said in a recent interview.
The amounts that have been dedicated by the European Union to these bailouts dwarf the domestic spending of our national governments.
The staggering amount of data processed here dwarfed UMCPHQ's opera- tions.