Given the amount of labor, energy and material needed, it simply wasn't practical to produce a news report more than once a day.
The amount of labor involved in building this thing must have been incredible.
This system groups products by the relative amount of capital, labor, land, or skills needed to export each product.
While common citizens are called to war, they won't be able to work, decreasing the amount of labor available to the city.
Productivity growth measures the economy's ability to produce more goods and services with a given amount of labor.
Also important is the willingness to do a fair amount of physical labor.
Countries with high amounts of labor will do the reverse.
No amount of labor was able to save the project, however.
The work did not seem to tire her beyond what the same amount of physical labor would have done.
The system, it has often been noted, requires an enormous amount of human labor, or, more important to local political leaders, jobs.