On November 13, 2006, the total amount of restitution owed was set at $1,436,504.
It is also the rate at which the amount owed must rise to delay payment for 1 year.
Bank and Government officials have said that applying a minimum 3 percent interest lifted the total amount owed today to $13 billion.
The filing states that at the end of 2001, the total amount owed the company in notes, bank loans and advances was $130 million.
Those who come forward will pay the amount owed plus 10 percent.
But what if the amount owed ends up being more than the apartment is worth?
The average amount of additional taxes owed because gifts were undervalued was $167,000 last year, up 45 percent from $115,000 in 1996.
A creditor must sue all of the parties together to get the full amount owed back.
The total amount of money owed by the public sector.
The total amount of debt owed by a government, raised through borrowing from individuals and institutions.