A certain amount of relief showed on Heitor's face.
"Well, an increasing amount of research shows that people don't act like that."
As the toteboard reaches his goal, the amount of money shown increases to $18,000,000.
The amount of music and film I end up deleting after ten minutes shows there is demand for a high quality product.
Some critics say the amount committed so far shows that the restrictions are too tight.
The small amount of light from the moon showed her the way across more lawn.
A large amount of research over the past few decades has shown this in many ways.
Mice given that amount in a second feeding trial have shown similar, but less pronounced, results as those on the 24-milligram-a-day dose, he said.
This small amount has shown to cause malformations in some species of frogs.
A surprising amount of work to be found in the island does, however, show their influence.