The amount of damage totaled more than ten trillion yen.
In the last three years, the amount of unpaid pet care totaled about $800,000 a year.
With children born in 1955, 1956, 1959 and 1964, the amount this year totaled $137.
The amount of reserve money involved totaled nearly $1 billion, the monetary fund said.
The principal amount, all of it outstanding, totals $500 million.
Recently, the annual amount of the grant totaled $8 million.
Many other class members would get cash payments of varying but apparently small amounts totaling $500,000.
The average amount of tuition aid per worker under the program totaled $491.
He said the company could not estimate how much the amount would total by the time the rate caps ended in August 2003.
The amount of the loan totaled $3.8 Billion with 9.4 million people purchasing bonds.