Given ample moisture and sunshine, goldenrain grows swiftly (for a tree).
Favourable upper-level conditions and ample moisture allowed the system to maintain its identity despite remaining over land for a prolonged period of time.
L. amplexicaulis requires a well drained site with ample moisture and dappled shade in a garden situation.
The potting- soil mixture should contain plenty of humus because the root system needs ample moisture at all times.
The fruits are fleshy is years with ample moisture, and dry in drought years.
With ample moisture, tender perennials grow fast, and they grow big.
In conditions of full sunlight, rich soil, and ample moisture, it forms a compact, rounded plant.
They need ample moisture, for instance, but are also vulnerable to rot, so good drainage is essential.
Rainbands within tropical cyclones require ample moisture and a low level pool of cooler air.
Tallgrass grew in selected areas of ample moisture, which also contained a great diversity of other plants.