We also like to cater for any specific menu request and, given ample notice, provide for special dietary requirements of individual visitors.
The North Vietnamese had ample notice of the impending attack.
Please be advised that these tours are in great demand and thus ample notice is needed to increase your chances of being granted a tour.
Why did no one warn me, that is, give me ample notice that your grace would bless us with your presence?
Under the new protocol, guests are expected to give their hosts ample notice.
And of course you may go back, as often as you like-provided you give me ample notice.
However, ample notice must have been given as he acquired another site downstream and on the opposite shore at Warsash.
But Libya had ample notice that the restrictions were coming and has been able to hide much of its liquid overseas assets.
The only ones going up there will be technicians who may have to work on the power core, and you'll be given ample notice if they do.
His sharp inhalation and heavy exhalation gave Dax ample notice that he was on the verge of saying something important.