If ample rain has made you lazy, stay home.
The storm also dumped ample rain on the town resulting in minor flooding in low lying areas and basements.
This was the wet side of the range and, like the Tiber valley, it received ample rain.
There had been ample rain during the winter of 1938 resulting in heavy understorey, but drought set in toward the end of the year.
This sub-region has a subtropical climate with ample seasonal rains.
And then in 1928 everything conspired to help the Grebes: there was ample rain, much snow and a warm spring.
"That's good news,"' said Dr. Robinson, "That means all of the state had relatively ample rain."
Settlers would have hydroponics, but such a location guaranteed them fertile land and ample rain, just in case.
It had been a particularly fine spring along the coast of Massachusetts, with warm days and ample rain.
Sunday: Floods and how to harvest ample rains.