And a built-in dressing area provided ample storage if you didn't pack too much.
There is very ample storage which includes a waterproof locker for storage of the outboard motor when not in use.
It has space for a camping toilet and ample storage for other essentials.
There appeared to be ample storage.
The four classrooms will be used to house the Mathematics department and include 111 square metres of circulation space as well as ample storage and an office.
There was ample storage for twice what they carried; the harness was coiled neatly in the box built beneath the right-hand bunk.
He also built a raised seating area, with ample storage underneath, that leads to a minuscule garden.
Either side of the skylight, a loft area has been created with ample storage, accessed by a neat wooden ladder up to a mezzanine area.
There was very ample storage under berths.
The Multirail units offer a decorative feature for the bathroom, combined with ample storage.