Instead, she sets her ample talents to work on what is really a celebrity tell-all, albeit a rarefied one.
Even as haphazard as the Knicks' rebuilding effort is, no one expects a Brown-led team, and one with ample talent, to do so.
Her ample talents were to be revealed by a prop man with a hook and fishing line, standing just out of shot.
The Knicks have ample talent, but Brown has struggled all season to get them to play his way.
That it never threatens to is a mark of Packer's ample talents.
"Gio's ample talents are well known and chronicled," Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo said through a team spokesman.
Newcomer Vishwa shows ample talent in editing.
Building a career in classical music can be tricky, to say the least, even for young musicians with ample talent.
The paunchy, middle-aged Mr. Laverents - a square with a comb-over and ample musical talent.
But another ample talent has been signed: Kate Burton.