It is still used to detect the amplitude variations of an incoming signal to produce a control signal that resembles those variations.
The reference port will compensate for amplitude variations in the test signal at the measurement plane.
On the perception of speech from time-varying attributes: Contributions of amplitude variation.
5 shockwaves all at once but no amplitude variations like you'd expect from a normal hyper-exit manoeuvre in Einsteinium space.
The AM modulation index is the measure of the amplitude variation surrounding an unmodulated carrier.
What is heard is quite pronounced amplitude variation, which the ear is very sensitive to.
Photographic equipment and the human eye are only sensitive to amplitude variations.
An AM receiver detects amplitude variations in the radio waves at a particular frequency.
Some show low amplitude variations with periods ranging from 7 to 21 hours, while others show no variability.
It is a close binary star system that forms an ellipsoidal variable with a period of 80 days and an amplitude variation of 0.08 in magnitude.