The Chickasaw were amply equipped with English arms via a trade route from the English and small Chickasaw settlements in South Carolina and Georgia.
They were amply equipped,the sepoy regiments among them were well trained, and they had improved their defences in response to Havelock's and Outram's first Relief of the Residency.
The room was utilitarian, but amply equipped.
The CCD-M8U ($1,250) is extremely compact and simple, while the CCD-V9 ($1,650) is also very compact but is amply equipped with quasi-professional features.
You, a young new race amply equipped for any emergency within reckonable time, will be able to do so.
Despite their relatively low prices ($1,079 and $1,099, respectively), both models are amply equipped with useful operating features.
We are amply equipped, and neither you humans nor the Velantians could handle our tools.
He re-enlisted in the Arkansas Air National Guard immediately after the war and made his mark with innovative training programs for its flying outfits, now amply equipped with P-51 fighters.
The relationship began when the youth, 11 at the time, started showing up on Patterson's New Paltz, N.Y., property, watching fighters work out in the amply equipped gym Patterson has there.
This still under-recognized Broadway pop-soul singer avoids the empty show-off effects that better-known divas pile onto their material, even though she is amply equipped to match them in special effects.