This was amply illustrated by his performance at Solidarity's first and only national congress in 1981.
The book is amply illustrated with 400 color photos.
The graph just mentioned amply illustrates how much wealth will be released by this.
The book is amply and often wittily illustrated with celebrity photographs.
Bhopal - far more serious in its impact than Chernobyl - amply illustrates that.
Another Newton legacy, amply illustrated in the displays, was the popularization of science.
The schizophrenic duality of the paper at this time is amply illustrated by the ad on the next page.
As detailed below what happened to this line amply illustrates the wisdom of the earlier planners who had abandoned their plans when faced with reality.
They couldn't pick stocks randomly or even every one in a single year and expect a sure gain, as amply illustrated by the results of 2006.
But the show's theme is capacious: while the artists selected may amply illustrate it, there are dozens of others who would work just as well.