By 30:30 hours, standard time, not one of the 17 Soltenites remained in the amusement district.
Roppongi, a late-night amusement district, caters to Westerners.
She continues to support Coney Island as a amusement district and fight for its historical integrity when it is under threat from real estate developers.
The developer who wants to remake Coney Island's amusement district has a new plan and says that you're going to love it.
As a Coney Island resident, she has been very active in the fight to save the from rezoning that would jeopardize the amusement district.
One Saturday, unable to resist the temptation, I decided to play truant from school and got off the train near an amusement district.
He is at least 18 months away from construction and needs city approval for some elements of his plan, including a proposal to build luxury apartments in the amusement district.
"But everybody is looking forward to things happening that can help the community and the amusement district."
The amusement district has shrunk.
New gangs formed as the Bowery became a boisterous amusement district.