Rudy is tall, dark, handsome and silent, so we are an amusing contrast.
The decadent allure of the oysters served here makes an amusing contrast to the suburban 20th-century modern style of the room, one of the new class of lounge-restaurants.
The two were invariably together and made an amusing contrast.
Archer found it an amusing contrast.
For a period he traveled with a band of Trevanyi,* finding their exactness and intensity an amusing contrast to the imprecision of the average Trill.
Roberts' hefty 6'3" frame made a striking and amusing contrast to the thin, 5'6" Keaton.
And a curious, amusing contrast came to mind: Arthur Crawfield and Rice.
His friend Kelt Price made a somewhat amusing contrast, being short and pudgy with a shock of thick black hair.
The two groups' different musical tastes present an amusing contrast.
Perhaps the most amusing contrast in our group was between him and Allen Ginsberg.