Musical and audio information was originally recorded by analog methods (see Sound recording and reproduction).
Sure, some technophobes have legitimate gripes about the sound quality of MP3s and that digital recording lacks the soul and warmth of the old analog method.
Modern mapping in California involves the use of modern electronics to refine information found through analog methods.
Voice Inversion scrambling is an analog method of obscuring the content of a transmission.
Special purpose network analyzers were built between 1929 and the early 1960s to provide laboratory models of power systems; large-scale digital computers replaced the analog methods.
TTL also became important because its low cost made digital techniques economically practical for tasks previously done by analog methods.
AM may also be generated at a low level, using analog methods described in the next section.
Macro- and microarrays [ 13 ] are rapidly becoming the analog method of choice, mainly due to their high throughput in data production which allows complex biological questions to be addressed.
A common use for the 24-hour analog method of representing time is for showing the way the time of day depends on one's location.
Digital technology has effectively replaced old analog methods of voice encryption and by using complex algorithms, voice encryption has become much more secure and efficient.