However, there is no analogous form for quadratic matrix polynomials.
When the doors of the tabernacle are shut, the angels wings' form a shape analogous to a flame.
It is also analogous, but unrelated to, other forms of "functionalism").
Another alternative is to create the medium in a form analogous to a roll of adhesive tape.
There is no strong form analogous to hers and yours:
There is an analogous form of the Grashof number used in cases of natural convection mass transfer problems.
There is a standard form for the consimilarity class, analogous to the Jordan normal form.
At present definitions are given in a form analogous to the conclusion of a syllogism; e.g.
More research should be done in order to find out the etymology of this place name, even though few analogous forms have been found.
The following series of letters (620-630) refers to the Melastomaceae and certain other flowers of analogous form.