Matter compilers receive their raw materials from the Feed, a system analogous to the electrical grid of modern society.
In his view the city is considered as a communicative system, analogous to the language and to other symbolic systems.
Conceivably, an analogous system could be developed for Holo using the same principles.
A somewhat analogous system has been reported in horseshoe bats, in which echolocation call frequency appears to be a magic trait.
Myelination is found mainly in vertebrates, but an analogous system has been discovered in a few invertebrates, such as some species of shrimp.
The foreign function interface was present from very early versions to Factor, and an analogous system existed in JFactor.
In short, a system roughly analogous to the funded debt of modern public finance had been created.
ERTS utilized a twentieth-century electronic system for recording information, analogous to chemical photographs, but very different.
This is a quasi-decimal system analogous to Greek numerals.
An analogous system could be considered, though with a smaller financial commitment, in the case of finance for countries with derogations.