The analysis looked at the changing requirements under the formula for families earning from $65,000 in 2000 to about $85,000 in 2005.
An analysis of the agreement, or contract, should look for several indicators of future success.
Economic analysis looks at a household as a sort of business.
The analysis of causation can often look like a highly technical aside in philosophy.
But based on who voted for him four years ago, his analysis looks shaky.
His analysis looked only at income, not at wealth or overall net worth.
Few analyses of the costs and benefits of dealing with climate change look more than a century ahead.
The analysis includes data on housing costs and looks at different possibilities for the path of home prices in coming years.
Rather, analysis looks at relative elevation of factors compared to the various norm groups studied.
My discovery and analysis looked good even before the fact, and was at that moment the principal force driving the firm.